Best 2018 SEO Tips For Startups

Google’s search engine algorithms seem to get smarter and more sophisticated every day. When it comes to SEO best practices, what worked last year might not work today, and what worked five years ago could actually get you penalized by Google these days (for example, inflating backlinks by buying spam links). The evolution of Google’s algorithm makes it increasingly difficult to “cheat” the system.

However, in the face of such rapid development, SEO experts aren’t simply standing by and watching: they too are continuously adapting their strategies. However, this can make it difficult to keep up with the pace of innovation: which strategies actually help you to get ranked today? How can startups with limited budget and resources take on the big dogs? To help you stay ahead of the curve and keep up-to-date with SEO strategies, we interviewed 17 startup CMOs and digital marketing leaders and asked them about their best 2018 SEO tips for startups. Read more